Ceph - A History
The First of a New Generation, nearly destroyed by the ego of a would-be god.
Art by Mia Pearce and Yoko Weaver
The Ceph are a species of humanoid squid-folk with an upright stance, three eyes, and clusters of tentacles at the base of their bodies that serve as their primary means of locomotion on land. According to what few records exist of the early days of the planet Teicna, the Ceph were the first intelligent species created by the gods after the Old World was destroyed for its flawed population. Their existence in the modern day is something of a miracle twice over. Not only were they not supposed to be created in the first place, but they survived a terrible attack on the whole of their species centuries later, only managing to come back from the brink of extinction due to the aid of their neighbors.
The center of all Cephan development, the sprawling city of Demeris, was a frequent stop for the gods as they flitted across the globe establishing new species and civilizations. Dalensh in particular was said to spend a great deal of time watching the goings-on of its citizens, occasionally even being spotted by those with an eye for the spiritual realm. This reputation for wealth, size, and divine favor eventually led to efforts to develop Demeris into an arcology - a self-contained, self-sustaining city that could comfortably house the entire Cephan species.
External outposts and fledgling townships dwindled as Ceph across the homeland returned to Demeris to help in the effort to make it not only the greatest city the world had ever seen, but also the only one their people would ever need. The walls were raised up to accommodate a multi-tiered approach to housing. Complex plumbing systems were invented to keep the buildings and streets well-hydrated with clean water and a perpetual mist in the air. Mechanically-assisted grain processing mills were built that used the ocean’s tides as a power source, and fisheries were established that doubled as farms for both plants and fish that fed off of them. All in all, the dream of having a perfectly self-contained utopia seemed well within their reach.
Unfortunately, the end of this dream would come all too soon, and for reasons the Ceph could never have imagined, let alone stopped.
In the decades after the formation of Malephesh’s tear, a human mage had begun a strange and twisted process of becoming a demigod. They had become so powerful that they had managed to expunge their very identity from the world as a way of hiding from the gods, and still they sought more. Cities would vanish in the wake of horrifying magics, and as the gods scrambled to try and determine the culprit, the unnamable mage would remain hidden nearby, watching them in ways no other mortal could, learning their methods and attempting to siphon off even the smallest amount of their power. When this cycle had repeated enough times, their evil eyes rested upon the greatest possible test of their destructive potential: Demeris.
In the centuries since that day, the two cultures have learned quite a lot from one another, but the distinct ‘Cephan Style’ remains to this day. Their ambition and vision drives them to build and develop and learn about the world around them whenever and however they can. Many of the world’s foremost scientists, engineers, and archivists can be found among the Ceph. And though they have an understandable aversion to developing large city centers, their designs have been used to establish many of the world’s largest, most efficient urban sprawls in the world.
Demeris, for its part, remains uninhabited. The instant mortality of the poison still flowing through it has waned in recent centuries, but the sheer amount of death and vast quantity of uncollected souls has developed into what scholars refer to as a Genius Loci. A Living City. The collective rage, fear, and despair of those that died within its walls have developed a sort of pseudo-consciousness that has gained control over the very stone the city is built from. Though it cannot move from its coastal location, it is said that its streets are constantly shifting and an alleyway taken on the way end may very well not even exist when one attempts to get back out. Few venture into that haunted place anymore, and fewer still of those who do ever leave again.